El Molino is a laboratory where you will experience and learn about yourself, other and Life in general.

This includes everything from learning about rural life and its challenges, to living together and its difficulties, as we live and work together with very diverse people from different environments and backgrounds. We are a project based on a Cooperative model to manage the place and protect it. The process of joining takes time to get to know each other. Before you consider coming here, in whatever format, there are many previous steps to take. We are not in a hurry and we hope you are not either. Here we tell you a few things...



The project has been changing from fully english speaking to only Spanish to Spanglish. We are very fluid community and the amount of english spoken in our day to day life will fully depend on the people on each moment. Most of the permanent inhabitants are bilingual. If you come with at least with a basic level of Spanish you will be able to improve it and will have a better experience. We can not guarantee a full translation of the emotional circles.


In El Molino you can acquire knowledge about these 5 areas through our courses and the project in general and depending on the period you come, some will be more present than others:


- In the Social part we include our Emotional and Conflict Management, Facilitation workshops....


- In the Economic part we have the Conscious Economy that we include in almost all our workshops.


- In the Ecological, our Biodynamic Garden, the management of water and our resources. 


- In the World Vision, workshops about our connection with the cycles, the path of the Hero, Nutrition, Integral Health, Yoga, Meditation, Detoxification...


- In Holistics, from Dragon Dreaming, Facilitation, Permaculture, Conscious Eating...


There are different ways to come to the project. We developed some programs so that you can find your own way.


 If you want to come to rest and/or learn from our day to day life:


- less than a week's visit (you only have to book when, depending on our availability).


- as an apprentice for 28 days.


- as a volunteer, with a commitment of 3 months for one of our areas of need. Only a few places. 


We are a group of experienced people with very diverse backgrounds and complementary knowledge: biologists who love to share about plants and ecology, facilitators of group processes, trainers of different methodologies, skilled people with their hands able to fix everything or almost everything, gardeners with their hands full of permaculture...


Do not miss this video....



According to each season, we elaborate products from our garden, from our animals and from our handmade creativity... fresh and cured cheeses, homemade yogurt, varied breads baked in wood oven, preserves and jams, creative crafts and other products from our store....

We work in the embelishment of the space and have dozens of creative projects in which you can engage. Little stone walls, creative gates, furniture, gardening, etc...


... a paradise inmersed in nature, where cows (that many people think are bulls get lost! important clarification for new visitors: cows also have horns:-), the Guadalmesí river to walk and relax with hammocks along the way, the beach 800 meters away, outdoor showers with hot water (we also have them in some of the houses:-), restored buildings in bioconstruction, a spacious room where you can do yoga, meditate, dance or offer a workshop...

Explore our photos section to get a better feeling of the place ;-)